Thursday 19 September 2013

Easy peasy jam making (AKA very lazy jam making)

I love making homemade jam... Well, actually I love eating homemade jam as it is so much nicer than any shop bought jam I have tasted.  There are lots of time consuming ways to make jam, which I am sure give very good results, but in my opinion, the method I use makes delicious jam without making too much trouble.  If you would like to give it a go, here is my recipe.
800g washed blackcurrants
1kg Silver Spoon Jam Sugar
Knob of butter (optional but delicious)
Place the blackcurrants and sugar into the largest heavy-based pan which you have and using a potato masher, mash them up.
Heat gently, continually stirring, until the sugar dissolves then add the butter. Bring to the boil and keep at a rolling boil, one which cannot be turned down, for 15 minutes.  It is important to use a large pan to avoid the jam spitting out at you.
Take a teaspoon of jam and drop it onto a saucer which has been in the fridge.  If the jam begins to set and wrinkle up when you push it with a spoon then it is ready; if it is still quite runny then leave it to boil for a few more minutes.
Next decant your jam into old jam jars or Kilner jars which have been thoroughly washed and sterilised.  I sterilise my jars by washing them in the dishwasher.
Finally, enjoy with a nice thickly cut slice of freshly baked bread, or better still, invite friends around for tea and scones.  If your friends are like mine then they will be expecting to go home with a jar of your delicious jam, so make plenty!
Mary x